Sunday, December 18, 2011

Two weeks of climate negotiations in Durban

Religous leaders from Norway meet with Head of the Norwegian delegation, Henrik Harboe

Aprodev daily debrief

Waiting for a taxi while enjoying the sunrise in Durban
Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg speaking about sources of  climate finance at COP 17
Kyoto and EU renewing their vows
Aprodev and ACT coordination one of the last days of COP17
Minister of development and environment, Erik Solheim, meeting Norwegian youth organisations in Durban. Accompanied by Snorre Valen, one of the MPs not on safari.

Solheim receives t-shirt and an appeal to fight for a 2nd commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol from Norwegian youth organisations Natur og Ungdom, Changemaker and Spire

Japanese minister of environment interviewed outside the closed negotiation room in the late hours Friday

Ladies from Aprodev and CAN International keeping track of what is going on

Read Norwegian Church Aid's comments (in Norwegian) on the outcome from COP 17 here:

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